HSRCStandoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies Market – 2020-2025
Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies Market - 2020-2025

Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies Market - 2020-2025

Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognition & Deep Learning Technologies to Revolutionize the Industry, 65 submarkets

  • January 2020
  • 258
  • 182
Final total
    • $5,950
    • $6,950
    • $8,950
    • $12,000

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Sandia National Lab

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Suicide Terror attacks by Attack Method

Suicide Terror Attacks by Attack Method (%)

Source: The Institute for Economics & Peace 2019

The purpose of standoff PBIED, VBIED and weapon detection technologies is to determine, at a safe distance, if a terrorist or a vehicle is carrying explosives or weapons. Concealed explosives detection is perceived as one of the greatest challenges facing the internal security and military communities. The threat posed by suicide bombers is the key to the emergence of transformational counter-terror technologies and tactics. The maturity and deployment of advanced standoff detection technologies, capable of detecting suicide and other terrorists at a safe distance, will change the landscape of homeland security and asymmetric warfare.


A decade of artificial intelligence, facial recognition and big data deep learning research have produced formidable technologies that are providing immense benefit to the standoff IED detection community. Future artificial intelligence, facial recognition and big data deep learning systems have the potential for transformative impact on the IED threats.  It will be rightfully expected to handle complex IED detection tasks and responsibilities, engage in meaningful communication, and improve awareness through experience.


Standoff IED detection includes both covert and overt methods for sensing the presence of IED, explosives, VBIED, weapons and PBIED when vital assets and those individuals monitoring, operating & responding to the means of detection are physically separated from the terrorists. The physical separation should put the individuals and vital assets outside the zone of severe damage from a potential detonation of the device or weapon.


IED, PBIED and VBIED attack threats are a global problem, driving a growing number of security and defense forces to acquire cutting-edge standoff IED, PBIED, Weapons & VBIED detection equipment.


According to the Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies Market 2020-2025 report, the market is expected to grow from $XX Billion in 2018 to $XX billion in 2025 at a CAGR of XX%.


This 258 -page market report is the most comprehensive review of the global Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies market available today. The objective of this report is to provide today’s strategic decision-makers with an expert 360-degree, time-sensitive, detailed view of this interconnected market.


The Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies Market – 2020-2025 report presents a thorough analysis of 65 submarkets segmented by 8 technologies, 5 revenue sources and 5 regional markets.  Furthermore, the report provides updated extensive data of 16 leading Standoff IED, Explosives, VBIED, PBIED & Weapon Detection Technologies vendors.

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