HSRCCorrectional Facilities Security Market Technologies – 2019-2023
Correctional Facilities Security

Correctional Facilities Security Market Technologies – 2019-2023

Prison Security Technologies Market Analysis & Forecast

  • Q1 2019
  • 250
  • 230
Final total
    • $4,950
    • $5,950
    • $8,950
    • $12,000

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Sandia National Lab

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From perimeter and internal security to contraband and violence, securing correctional facilities is a tough, complex and expensive job. Security measures for correctional facilities are going through a major technological shift, driving up spending on securing prisons and jails. Historically, correctional facilities used a simple fence, barb-wire and guards to secure its perimeter. However, today, these facilities are using modern technologies such as: video surveillance & analytics, X-ray screening systems, drone and counter-drone systems, electronic monitoring, cell phone jamming and other technologies to secure their external and internal infrastructure.

Despite major efforts by prison officials to keep drugs, weapons, and other contraband out of their facilities, these items get smuggled in daily by different entities and pose a major threat to the safety and security of these facilities, their personnel and inmates.

The correctional facilities security technologies market report divides the market into 4 main segments – perimeter security, internal security, contraband detection, and life outside the prison. The largest segment, accounting for about 50% of the market (by $ value) consists of internal security systems which includes video surveillance & video analytics, access control systems, cell phone jammers and more.

Figure 1 – Prison Security Market & Technologies Share by Segment (% of Total Market)

Prison Security Market Share by Segment

Key insights from our prison security market research include:

  1. The desire to reduce staff and interaction between staff and prisoners is one of the main drivers for security technology adoption. Improved security is the second driver of this market.
  2. Advancements and maturity of security technologies as well as price reduction of several technologies and products is making it worthwhile for vendors to invest in prison security products.
  3. The U.S.A is by far the largest market. The main reason is the extremely high number of prisoners in the country and the ability of the states to invest money on technology solutions.
  4. Developing markets are only now starting to invest in security technologies for prisons, and the basic investment is intended for video surveillance and access control.
  5. Contraband is one of the main concerns for prisons. The rise of drone usage makes it hard for prisons to secure their perimeter. Counter drone technologies is a new market, though still small, but will become a must-have solution in the future for prisons.
  6. The use of IoT is also starting to penetrate the prisons industry. Attaching sensors on the fences, inside cells and on prisoners is in initial test phases and constitutes a very small market, however, a market that aims to change the way prisons will operate in the near future.
  7. Screening technologies that are very mature in other markets (for example: airport security) are becoming more available to correctional facilities. X-r...
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