Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC): Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) & Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) industry to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% for the 2020-2025 period
Chinese & US Tomographic Explosives Detection Systems (EDS) & BHS Technologies markets will continue to dominate the market, holding together over 40%
In Homeland Security Research Corporation’s (HSRC) latest market report, Tomographic Explosives Detection Systems (EDS) & BHS Technologies & Market – 2020-2025, their analysts forecast a comeback for the Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) & Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) industry, generating a refreshing 6.1% CAGR for the 2020-2025 period.
According to this report, the Chinese & US Tomographic Explosives Detection Systems (EDS) & BHS Technologies markets will continue to dominate the market, holding together over 40% of the market during the forecast period.
This 430-page market report is the most comprehensive review of the EDS & BHS Technologies & Market available today. The objective of this mega-report is to provide today’s strategic decision-makers with an expert 360-degree, time-sensitive, detailed view of this interconnected market.
Market growth will be boosted by the following drivers:
- Expansion of new baggage handling systems facilities
- Replacement of outdated EDS systems
- Fast acceptance of tomographic coherent X-ray scattering EDS in premium security airports
- Ever growing aftersale revenues
- Aviation travel and cargo volume growth
- New and expanded airports projects
- Terror threats
- New and maturing technologies, (e.g., high volume EDS technologies, artificial intelligence-based threat classification, big data & data analysis, machine learning based automated image interpretation & spectroscopic radiation detectors)
- U.S. President Trump and China President Xi national security agendas
Questions answered in this report include:
- What is the Tomographic Explosives Detection Systems (EDS) & BHS Market size and what are the market trends during 2020-2025?
- What are the EDS & BHS sub-markets that provide attractive business opportunities?
- What drives the EDS & BHS customers to purchase Tomographic Explosives Detection Systems (EDS) & BHS solutions and services?
- What are the EDS & BHS technology & services trends?
- What are the EDS & BHS Technology markets SWOTs (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)?
- What are the challenges to market penetration & growth?
For more information or to purchase a copy of the report, please visit us here.
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About Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC)
Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC) is an international market and technology research firm specializing in the Homeland Security (HLS) & Public Safety (PS) industry. HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf and customized market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. HSRC’s clients include the U.S. Congress, DHS, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, DOD, DOT, GAO, NATO and EU, among others; as well as government agencies in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Singapore. With over 950 private sector clients (73% returning customers), including major defense and security contractors and Fortune 2000 companies, HSRC earned the reputation as the industry’s Gold Standard for HLS & PS market reports.
Contact: Naomi Sapir
Phone: +1-202-455-0966
E-mail: naomi@homelandsecurityresearch.com
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Tel: 202-455-0966, info@homelandsecurityresearch.com, hsrc.biz