HSRCSafe City Technologies & Market (with COVID-19 Impact) – 2021-2026

Safe City Technologies & Market (with COVID-19 Impact) – 2021-2026

197 Safe City Submarkets. 3 Volumes

  • May 2021
  • 604
  • 188
Final total
    • $4,950
    • $5,950
    • $8,950
    • $12,000

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Sandia National Lab

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Major shifts in technologies are fueling the digital transformations of urban security, changing our businesses and lives. New advancements in Artificial Intelligence, 5-G connectivity, Face Recognition, Video Analytics, Big Data, Emergency Traffic Management, PSIM, PSAP, NG911 and GIS Based Emergency Notification offer great opportunities to those who best understand how to capitalize on change.

Crime, traffic control, terror and natural disasters have long been recognized as major challenges to sustainable cities and have a significant impact on quality of life and economic development. To handle their huge responsibilities, law enforcement, public safety and municipal bodies consider a more comprehensive approach that includes new synergies between early warnings and real-time circumstances, providing a complete cycle for intelligence, evidence, response and investigations.

With three volumes, 604    pages, 112 tables and 76 figures, the Safe City Technologies & Market (with COVID-19 Impact) – 2021-2026 report contains a thorough analysis of 11 technology sectors, five regional markets and 20 national markets, detailing 2019-2026 market size.

This “Safe City Technologies & Market (with COVID-19 Impact) – 2021-2026” report is a resource for executives with interests in the industry. It has been explicitly customized for industry and urban decision-makers to identify business opportunities, developing technologies, market trends and risks, as well as to benchmark business plans.

According to the  report, the market is expected to grow from $XX Billion in 2020 to $XX billion in 2026 at a CAGR of XX%. The Chinese and the U.S. markets will continue to dominate the global one, holding together over 32% of market during the forecast period.

This 604    -page market report is the utmost comprehensive review of the global Safe City market available today. The objective of this report is to provide today’s strategic decision-makers with an expert 360-degree, time-sensitive, detailed view of this interconnected market

Global Safe City Market Segmentation Vectors


According to the report, the 2021-2026 Safe City market is affected by the following drivers and inhibitors:

  • Demand for multi-technology Safe City systems.
  • Urban terror and crime mitigation.
  • Natural desasters
  • Increasing value-added Safe City systems generated by ‘soft’ elements (software, data management, processing algorithms).
  • Upgrading of outdated Safe City elements.
  • The “Biden Effect”.
  • China and India internal security policy.

National Safe City Market Shares [%] – 2019-2026

Why Buy this Safe City Technologies & & Market – 2021-2026 Report?

A. Questions answered in this report include:

  • What will the Safe City market size be in 2022-2026?
  • What are the main Safe City technology trends?
  • Where and...
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