HSRCCounter Misinformation -DeepFake & Fake News Solutions Market – 2020-2026
Counter DeepFake and Fake News Market 2020-2025 Report

Counter Misinformation -DeepFake & Fake News Solutions Market - 2020-2026

2020-2026 CAGR of 42%

  • Jan 2021
  • 136
  • 99
Final total
    • $4,950
    • $5,950
    • $8,950
    • $12,000

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Sandia National Lab

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For the past century Fake News has become a significant problem, as exploiting news outlets and social media platforms to disseminate misinformation to influence individuals’ actions has become widespread. The negative impact of Fake News, especially within the political, economic, and social environments is increasing, emphasizing the need to detect and identify these Fake News stories in near real-time. Furthermore, the latest trend of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create fake videos, known as “DeepFakes” or “FakeNews 2.0”, is a fast-growing phenomenon creating major concerns. AI technology enables, basically anyone, to create a fake video that shows a person or persons performing an action at an event that never occurred. Although DeepFakes are not as prevalent and widespread as Fake News articles, they are increasing in popularity and have a much greater effect on the general population. In addition, the sophistication behind the creation of DeepFake videos increases the difficulty of identifying and detecting them, making them a much more effective and destructive tool for perpetrators.


As the usage and threat of DeepFakes and Fake News intensifies, so do efforts to develop new detection methods, resulting in the next wave of (mis)information warfare. The proliferation of technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence, allow wide scale and easy to use solutions to create synthetic media that seems very real, either in video, photos, or text. In combination with networks of fake profiles, bot networks and smart utilization of social media, the attackers have many ways to influence either the public or specific individuals. As media and technology are now being used for cyber terrorism, criminal activity, espionage and military warfare, the new age of information warfare threatens democracies worldwide, pushing governments to combat this threat with large investments.


Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and other Governmental agencies are taking active roles in tackling the threat that (mis)information warfare poses and are spending growing budgets on technology that can detect and counter Fake News and DeepFake media.


The Counter Deepfake and Counter Fake News Software Solutions Market report is the first report to cover this up and coming market, focused on detection and mitigation solutions for Fake News and DeepFakes:

1. Fake News – the deliberate creation of false reality to influence public perception.

2. DeepFake – manipulated videos or audio produced by AI, that yield fabricated images and sounds that appear to be real.


In many cases the two are used simultaneously, however each one requires different tools and methods to detect and mitigate. Currently, most of the market spending goes towards the detection and monitoring part of the Information Warfare, while a smaller portion is invested towards digital forensics, trying to trace the source, after the dama...

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