HSRCPress Releases 20.2% 2015-2020 CAGR for European Explosives & Weapons Detection Market, Says a New Research Report from Homeland Security Research Corp.

20.2% 2015-2020 CAGR for European Explosives & Weapons Detection Market, Says a New Research Report from Homeland Security Research Corp.



Europe is facing a surge of ISIS-inspired explosives and weapon borne terror attacks, as well as threats and challenges with a far greater reach than its economic ones. The region is now experiencing a new disturbing reality in which explosives and weapon borne terror is its “new normal”.

According to Homeland Security Research Corp.’s (HSRC) new report, European Explosives & Weapons Detection Technologies Markets ““ 2016-2022, the European explosives and weapons detection Market will grow by 250% from 2015 ““ 2020, an unprecedented growth rate for the sector. An increased demand for explosives and weapons detection products had already commenced after the November 2015 Paris carnage (French manufacturers of weapon detectors reported a 300% sales hike after the Paris carnage).

The major challenge is the detection of homemade improvised explosives like TATP (used by the Paris and Brussels bombers). TATP is attractive as a terror weapon because it is relatively easy to prepare and, until recently, could not be detected by standard explosives screening methods. TATP’s precursors can be easily found in hardware stores or beauty salons (e.g., nail polish removers). In addition, improvised explosives precursors like hydrogen peroxide, acetone, and mineral acid can be purchased in large quantities.

Some European screening checkpoints (especially in the private sector) are equipped with older models of explosives detection systems that detect only military grade explosives and cannot .identify the hard-to-detect improvised explosives. These systems and devices will need to be replaced or upgraded with state-of-the-art detection systems like tomographic EDSs, X-Ray scanners and Explosive Trace Detectors (ETD) that detect (to some extent but far from perfect) improvised explosives like TATP, RDX.

The market is set to undergo a major transformation from 2016-2022 through the following drivers:

  • The ISIS-inspired complex and well-planned Paris and Brussels carnage (162 killed and 668 injured) sent shockwaves across the continent. These attacks shook the European governments and their security agencies unlike any other terror attacks since 9/11.
  • With no “magic bullet” technology in sight, the challenge that remains unresolved is to find ways to stop terrorists from detonating explosives in crowded, unscreened public areas.
  • The west European security forces are ill equipped to encounter 21st century ISIS-inspired and trained terrorists who use cutting-edge encrypted communication, make a remarkable use of social networks to recruit and train jihadists and gather efficient pre-attack intelligence.
  • Terrorists were trained by ISIS ex-Iraqi military officers on planning and conducting modern day guerrilla warfare. Europol and other agencies estimates that up to 11,000 (5,000 west European and 6,000 east European) jihadists have returned to Europe after obtaining combat experience on the battlefields of the Middle East.
  • The EU and most of the rest of the European market for homeland security and public safety products are served by local companies. Even with a preference for locally manufactured products, foreign products can usually strongly compete on the basis of cost-performance. They do not encounter any EU direct trade barriers or quotas. Non-tariff, indirect trade barriers may be the approval process of dual use goods, which include many security market products

The European Explosives & Weapons Detection Technologies Markets ““ 2016-2022 report consists of 254 Pages, 40 Tables and 86 Figures. It covers 12 Countries and Regions, 5 Technologies, and 3 Revenue Source Submarkets, offering for each of them 2015 data and assessments, and 2016-2022 forecasts and analyses.

Customers who purchase a multi-readers license of the report will also receive “Global Homeland Security & Public Safety Industry – 2016 Edition” report free of charge. Single Reader license customers will receive a 50% discount for the Industry 2016 report.

Questions answered in this report include the following:

  • What will the market size and trends be during 2016-2022?
  • Which submarkets provide attractive business opportunities?
  • Who are the decision-makers?
  • What drives the customers to purchase solutions and services?
  • What are the customers looking for?
  • What are the present and pipeline technologies?
  • What is the market SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)?
  • What are the challenges to market penetration & growth? 

The report is part of the “Europe’s Terror & Migration Crisis Series” reports which focus on the European Counter-Terror and Public Safety Market. Other reports in the series include:

Explore more Homeland Security and Public Safety Reports at.

About Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC)

Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC) is an international market and technology research firm specializing in the Homeland Security (HLS) & Public Safety (PS) industry. HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf and customized market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. HSRC’s clients include the U.S. Congress, DHS, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, DOD, DOT, GAO, NATO and EU, among others; as well as government agencies in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Singapore. With over 750 private sector clients (72% repeat customers), including major defense and security contractors and Fortune 2000 companies, HSRC earned the reputation as the industry’s Gold Standard for HLS & PS market reports.

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Gil Siegel

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