1 |
Spain Cybersecurity Market 2018-2022 |
1.1 |
Scope |
1.2 |
Cybersecurity Technologies & Market Background |
1.2.1 |
European Cybersecurity Landscape |
1.2.2 |
Cybersecurity Strategy: Conclusions |
1.2.3 |
Business Related Cybersecurity: Conclusions |
1.2.4 |
Cyber Terror & Crime |
1.2.5 |
Cyber Warfare |
1.2.6 |
Denial of Service |
1.2.7 |
Deliberate Manipulation of Information |
1.2.8 |
Detection of Unauthorized Activity |
1.2.9 |
Anti-Malware Cyber-Security |
1.2.10 |
Privacy Enhanced Technologies (PETs) |
1.3 |
Cybersecurity in Spain |
1.3.1 |
Computer Emergency Response |
1.3.2 |
National Cybersecurity Strategy |
1.3.3 |
Public-Private Partnership for Cybersecurity |
1.4 |
Key Cybersecurity Vendors |
1.5 |
Spain Cybersecurity: Business Opportunities |
1.6 |
Spain Cybersecurity Market 2015-2022 |
1.6.1 |
Spain Cybersecurity Market Size & Dynamics |
1.6.2 |
Spain Cybersecurity Market Breakdown |
2 |
Spain Homeland Security & Public Safety Information Technology Market 2018-2022 |
2.1 |
Scope |
2.2 |
Spain Information Technologies Market Background (w/o Intel & Cyber) |
2.3 |
Counter Terror & Public Safety: Data Center Systems |
2.3.1 |
Overview |
2.3.2 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety: Data Center Services |
2.3.3 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety: Support Services |
2.3.4 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety: Technical Consulting Services |
2.3.5 |
Outsourcing Services |
2.3.6 |
Application Services |
2.4 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety: Enterprise Software |
2.5 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety: IT Services |
2.5.1 |
Counter Terror and Public Safety Agencies: Cloud Storage & Computing |
2.6 |
Intelligence Agencies IT |
2.6.1 |
Introduction |
2.6.2 |
Counter Terror & Counter Crime Intelligence Community Software as a Service (SaaS) |
2.6.3 |
Platform as a Service (PaaS) |
2.6.4 |
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) IT |
2.6.5 |
The Counter Terror & Counter Crime Intelligence Community Cloud Infrastructure IT |
2.6.6 |
The Counter Terror & Counter Crime Intelligence Community Big Data IT |
2.7 |
Spain Homeland Security & Public Safety IT Market 2015-2022 |
2.7.1 |
Spain Information Technologies Market Size & Dynamics |
2.7.2 |
Spain Information Technologies Market Breakdown |
3 |
Spain Emergency Communication Market 2018-2022 |
3.1 |
Scope |
3.2 |
Spain Emergency Communication Market and Technology Background |
3.2.1 |
Emergency Communication |
3.2.2 |
Spain Emergency Communication Market: Business Opportunities |
3.3 |
Spain Emergency Communication Market – 2015-2022 |
3.3.1 |
Spain Emergency Communication Market Size & Dynamics |
3.3.2 |
Emergency Communication Market Breakdown |
4 |
Spain Biometrics Market 2018-2022 |
4.1 |
Scope |
4.2 |
Technology and Biometrics Market Background |
4.3 |
Multimodal Biometric Systems |
4.3.1 |
Homeland Security & Perimeter Security Applications |
4.3.2 |
Spain National Identity Document and ePassport |
4.4 |
Spain Biometrics Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
4.5 |
Spain Biometrics Market 2015-2022 |
4.5.1 |
Spain Biometrics Market Size & Dynamics |
4.5.2 |
Biometrics Market Breakdown |
5 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market 2018-2022 |
5.1 |
Scope |
5.2 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market Background |
5.2.1 |
Video Surveillance Technologies |
5.2.2 |
Video Surveillance: HLS & Public Safety Applications |
5.2.3 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
5.3 |
Video Analytics: Market Background |
5.4 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market 2015-2022 |
5.4.1 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market Size & Dynamics |
5.4.2 |
Spain Video Surveillance Market Breakdown |
6 |
Spain Intrusion Detection Market 2018-2022 |
6.1 |
Scope |
6.2 |
Technology and Market Background |
6.2.1 |
Access Control Systems |
6.3 |
Intrusion Detection Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
6.3.1 |
Challenges |
6.3.2 |
Spain Intrusion Detection Market: Business Opportunities |
6.4 |
Spain Intrusion Detection Market 2015-2022 |
6.4.1 |
Spain Intrusion Detection Market Size & Dynamics |
6.4.2 |
Spain Intrusion Detection Systems Market Breakdown |
7 |
Spain Border & Perimeter Security Market 2016 -2022 |
7.1 |
Scope |
7.2 |
Border & Perimeter Barriers |
7.3 |
Electronic Fencing |
7.3.1 |
Vibration Sensors Mounted on Fence |
7.3.2 |
Capacitance Sensors Fence |
7.3.3 |
Strain Sensitive Cables Fence |
7.3.4 |
Fiber Optic Fence |
7.3.5 |
Taut Wire Fence |
7.3.6 |
Ported Coax Buried Line Fence |
7.3.7 |
Fence |
7.3.8 |
Electronic Fencing Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
7.4 |
Automatic Border Control (ABC) Systems |
7.5 |
Spain Perimeter & Border Security Market 2015-2022 |
7.5.1 |
Perimeter & Border Security Market Size & Dynamics |
7.5.2 |
Spain Border & Perimeter Security Market Breakdown |
8 |
Spain Explosives & Weapons Detection Market 2015-2022 |
8.1 |
Scope |
8.2 |
Spain Weapons & Explosives Detection Market Background |
8.3 |
X-ray Scanners |
8.3.1 |
Background |
8.3.2 |
X-ray Screening Technologies | |
Luggage, Baggage & Other Items Screening Technologies | |
People Screening X-ray Backscatter (AIT) Technology | |
Coherent Scatter 2D X-ray | |
Transportable X-RAY Screening Checkpoints | |
X-ray Technologies: Performance Comparison |
8.3.3 |
X-ray Screening Market Background | |
Airports and Secured Facilities | |
Rail Stations X-ray Screening | |
ACES: The European Air Cargo Explosive Screening | |
The European RA3 and ACC3 Regulations |
8.3.4 |
Spain X-ray Screening Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
8.4 |
Tomographic Explosive Detection Systems & BHS |
8.4.1 |
Explosives Detection Systems: Technology Background |
8.4.2 |
Explosive Detection Systems: Throughput |
8.4.3 |
EDS Principle of Operation |
8.4.4 |
EU Standard – 3 Approved Tomographic EDS Products |
8.4.5 |
Hybrid Tomographic EDS & 2D X-ray Screening |
8.4.6 |
EDS EU Standard-3 Certification |
8.4.7 |
Aviation Security: EDS Checked Luggage Screening |
8.5 |
Security-related Airport Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) |
8.6 |
EDS Market Background |
8.7 |
Explosives Trace Detection (ETD) |
8.7.1 |
Introduction |
8.7.2 |
ETD Technologies | |
Technology Overview | |
Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (IMS) | |
Current Explosives & Narcotics Detection Technologies | |
Handheld and Desktop ETD | |
Airport Boarding Gate Explosives Scanners | |
Vehicle Screening ETD Systems |
8.7.3 |
EU Approved ETD Products: By Manufacturer, Model and Version |
8.7.4 |
Spain Business Opportunities & Challenges |
8.8 |
Metal Detectors |
8.8.1 |
Hand-Held Metal Detectors |
8.8.2 |
Walk-Through Metal Detection Portals |
8.9 |
Spain Metal Detectors Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
8.1 |
Standoff Explosives & Weapon Detection |
8.10.1 |
Technology and Market Background |
8.10.2 |
Suicide Bombers & Vehicle Borne IEDs |
8.11 |
Spain Standoff Explosives & Weapon Detection Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
8.11.1 |
Business Opportunities |
8.11.2 |
PBIED & VBIED Detection: Technological Challenges |
8.12 |
Vehicle & Container Screening Systems |
8.12.1 |
Vehicle & Container Screening Portals Technologies |
8.12.2 |
Comparison of Container-Vehicle Screening Technologies |
8.12.3 |
X-ray Container-Vehicle Screening Systems |
8.12.4 |
Dual Energy X-ray Container-Vehicle Screening |
8.12.5 |
Dual-View X-ray Container-Vehicle Screening |
8.12.6 |
Backscatter X-ray Container-Vehicle Screening |
8.12.7 |
Gamma Ray Systems Container-Vehicle Screening |
8.12.8 |
Linac Based X-ray Container-Vehicle Screening systems |
8.12.9 |
Market Background |
8.13 |
Spain Weapons & Explosives Detection Market 2015-2022 |
8.13.1 |
Spain Weapons & Explosives Detection Market: Size & Dynamics |
8.13.2 |
Spain Explosives & Weapons Detection Market Breakdown |
9 |
Spain Other Security Technologies Market 2015-2022 |
9.1 |
Scope |
9.2 |
Spain C2/C4ISR Market |
9.2.1 |
C2/C4ISR Market & Technology Background |
9.2.2 |
Spain C2/C4ISR Market: Business Opportunities |
9.3 |
Spain Bio-Agents & Infectious Disease Mitigation Market |
9.3.1 |
Market Background |
9.3.2 |
European Biosecurity | |
European Bio-Terror & Infectious Disease Detection and Mitigation Standards | |
Biosecurity and Biosafety | |
European CBRN Defense Strategy | |
European Commission Bio-Preparedness Actions | |
European Bio-Terror & Infectious Disease Detection and Mitigation Legislation | |
EU Biosafety and Biosecurity Initiatives | |
Infectious Diseases Threat Perception | |
European Bio-Surveillance Strategy | |
Bio-Terror & Infectious Disease Early Alert System | |
Management Structure | |
Early Response to Major Pandemics |
9.3.3 |
Bio-Detection Market and Technologies Background | |
Sampling the Environment | |
Bio-Detectors in a Multitude of Ambient Settings |
9.3.4 |
Bio-Agents & Infectious Disease Detection: Homeland Security & Public Safety Applications |
9.4 |
Spain Bio-Agents & Infectious Disease Detection Market: Business Opportunities |
9.5 |
Spain Chemical, Hazmat & Nuclear Detection Market |
9.5.1 |
Scope |
9.5.2 |
Chemical Agent Detection Technologies |
9.5.3 |
Nuclear/Radiological Detection Technologies | |
The Advanced Spectroscopic Portal (ASP) | |
Human Portable Radiation Detection Systems (HPRDS) Program | |
Nuclear-Radiological People Screening Portals |
9.5.4 |
Market Background | |
Chemical Plant Security | |
Nuclear/Radiological Detection Markets |
9.5.5 |
Spain Chemical, Hazmat & Nuclear Detection: Business Opportunities |
9.6 |
Spain Decontamination of CBRN & Hazmat Incidents |
9.6.1 |
CBRN & Hazmat Decontamination Technology Background |
9.6.2 |
Decontamination Core Technologies |
9.6.3 |
The Decontamination Cycle |
9.6.4 |
Decontamination Strategy |
9.6.5 |
CBRN & Hazmat Decontamination Market Background |
9.6.6 |
The Decontamination Industry |
9.7 |
Spain Natural & Manmade Disaster Mitigation Market |
9.7.1 |
Market & Technology Background |
9.7.2 |
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) |
9.7.3 |
Emergency Management Software |
9.7.4 |
Mass Emergency Notification Technologies | |
Introduction | |
Text Alert Systems | |
Voice Alert Systems | |
Siren Systems | |
Cell Broadcast Mass Emergency Notification | |
Mass Emergency Notification: Applications | |
Mass Emergency Notification Market: Business Opportunities |
9.8 |
Spain Non-Lethal Weapons Market |
9.8.1 |
Less-Lethal Weapons Technology and Market Background |
9.8.2 |
Less-Lethal Weapons Market |
9.8.3 |
Non-Lethal Weapons Market: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
9.9 |
Spain Personal (Ballistic & CBRNE) Protective Gear Market |
9.9.1 |
Market & Technology Background |
9.9.2 |
Personal Body Armor |
9.9.3 |
Respiratory Protective Equipment |
9.9.4 |
CBRN and Hazmat Personal Protective Gear |
9.1 |
Counter-IED Technologies |
9.10.1 |
Counter-IED Market Background | |
Maintenance and Upgrades (Particularly of Jammers, and Armored Trucks) | |
Sensors and Other Electronic Systems Upgrades | |
Standoff Suicide Bombers Detection | |
Suicide Bombers Detonation Neutralization | |
Standoff Detection of VBIED | |
VBIED Detonation Neutralization | |
Standoff Explosive Detection in Urban Environment | |
Large Area IED Detection Coverage | |
IED Placement Detection |
9.10.2 |
Counter-IED Technologies: Business Opportunities & Challenges |
10 |
Appendix A: Spain Homeland Security Market Background |
10.1 |
Facts & Figures 2017 |
10.2 |
Refugees |
10.3 |
Illicit Drugs |
10.4 |
Spain Homeland Security & Public Safety Agencies |
11 |
Appendix B: European Homeland Security & Public Safety Related Product Standards |
12 |
Appendix C: The European Union Challenges and Outlook |
12.1 |
Summary |
12.2 |
The EU Economy |
12.3 |
The EU Economic Difficulties |
12.4 |
Anti-EU Trends |
12.5 |
The EU Frail Leadership and Poor Strategic Vision |
12.6 |
Migration and Refugee Crisis |
12.7 |
European Security Worries |
12.8 |
Terrorism |
12.9 |
EU Future Scenarios |
13 |
Appendix D: Abbreviations |
14 |
Scope, Methodology & Disclaimer |
14.1 |
Research Scope |
14.2 |
Research Methodology |
15 |
Disclaimer & Copyright |