HSRCPublic Events Security & Safe City Markets in Europe – 2017-2022

Public Events Security & Safe City Markets in Europe - 2017-2022

Europe Safe City Market 2015-2020 CAGR: 19.2%. Granulated by 42 Submarkets

  • May 2017 Edition
  • 207
  • 87
Final total
    • $4,450
    • $5,450
    • $6,950
    • $10,000

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European Safe Cities & Public Events Security Markets - 2017-2022

European Safe Cities & Public Events Security Markets 2000, 2015 & 2020

The recent terrorist attacks have demonstrated that past measures to secure cities and public areas have failed. A major overhaul of the internal security of west European cities, towns and crowded public areas is already underway.

As is the case in Israel, this kind of terror does not have a “Silver Bullet” solution but it can be mitigated by state-of-the-art surveillance, intelligence technologies and trained security forces. The Israeli counter terror apparatus evaded 70-90% of urban terror attacks. That is a daunting challenge for Europe.

Based on 6 months of the “Europe’s Terror & Migration Crisis Series” research, and over 65 face-to-face interviews and analyses, we forecast that the 2015-2020 market will grow at a CAGR of 19.2%, a 4 fold hike from the 4.2% CAGR during 2000-2015.

The “European Safe Cities & Public Events Security Markets – 2017-2022” report + the bonus* “Global Homeland Security & Public Safety Industry – 2016 Edition” report are the only comprehensive reviews of the European market available today. Their objective is to provide a detailed, time sensitive and reasoned intelligence report.

European Safe Cities & Public Events Security Markets - 2016-2022

European Safe Cities & Public Events Security Market Core Submarkets

The market is set to undergo a major transformation from 2016-2022 through the following drivers:

  • Europol estimates that up to 5,000 European jihadists have returned to the EU after obtaining combat experience on the battlefields of the Middle East.
  • The ISIS-inspired complex and well-planned Paris and Brussels carnage (162 killed and 668 injured) sent shockwaves across the continent, unlike any other terror attacks since 9/11.
  • The present security infrastructure of European cities, towns & crowded public areas is no match for the 21st century ISIS-inspired and trained terrorists who use improvised explosives, military grade weapons, modern encrypted communication, make a remarkable use of social networks to recruit and train new jihadists and conduct excellent pre-attack intelligence.
  • With no “Magic Bullet” technology in sight, the challenge that remains unresolved is finding ways to stop terrorists from detonating explosives in crowded, unscreened public areas.
  • European security services will do their best to replicate some of Israel’s urban counter-terror strategies and technologies.
  • The EU and most of the rest of the European market for homeland security and public safety products are served by local companies. Even with a preference for locally manufactured products, foreign products can usually strongly compete on the basis of cost-performance. They do not encounter any EU direct trade barriers or quotas. Non-tariff, indirect trade barriers may be the approval process of dual use goods, which include many security market products.

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